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Friday, March 23, 2012
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Monday, February 14, 2011

The Dattajirao Kadam Education society as its first step established the Textile and Engineering Institute in 1982. This institute was permitted by the State Government to start a Diploma course in textiles from the academic year 1982 to 83 without any grant-in aid from the Government. This was the first educational institute in the state to be started on grant basis and encouraged by the successful establishment of this, the Maharashatra State Government took a policy decision in 1983 to permit various social and industrial organizations of the state to start professional educational institutes, the decision which brought a revolution in the thinking and pattern of the education in the state.
Presently the institute conducts four degree courses, two diploma courses and one postgraduate course in textiles as well as one degree course each in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering. The total student strength of the institute is around 1500 and has 100 teaching faculty members and 150 non-teaching staff. The management has provided excellent infrastructural facilities and a highly qualified staff. As a result of this, very high standard of education is maintained. Apart from regular teaching this institute is well known for its interaction with industry. In this field it is not only known in India but also has achieved recognition at International level with projects from Oman and Nigeria. The D.K.T.E. society has also extended facilities in other areas of education by starting Primary Schools, High schools, Physical Education College and institute of Vocational Education. Mr. K.B. Awade is the Chairman of this society, Mr. R.N. Kulkarni is the Vice-Chairman and Mr. R.V. Ketkar is the Hon. Secretary.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
list of universities in maharashtra
list of universities in maharashtra
- Amaravati University (Amravati).
- Bharati Vidyapeeth (Pune).
- Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Mumbai).
- Deccan College Post Graduate & Research Institute (Pune).
- Dr.B R Ambedkar Marthwada University (Aurangabad)
- Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technology University (Lonere).
- Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (Akola).
- Gokhale Institute Of Politics & Economics (Pune).
- Indian Institute of Technological Mumbai (Mumbai).
- Indira Gandhi Institute of Develop. Research (Mumbai).
- International Institute for Population Sciences (Mumbai).
- Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (Dapoli).
- Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (Rahuri).
- Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth (Parbhani).
- Nagpur University (Nagpur).
- North Maharashtra University (Jalgaon).
- Shivaji University (Kohlapur).
- Smt. Nathivai Damodar Tackersey Women's University (Mumbai).
- Swamy Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University (Nanded).
- Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai).
- Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (Pune).
- University of Mumbai (Mumbai).
- University of Pune (Pune).
- Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (Nashik).
- kavikulguru kalidas sanskrit vishvavidyalay (nagpur)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ichalkaranji Municipal Council
Ichalkaranji Municipal Council
1. Indira Gandhi Memorial hospital
It is 300 bedded Hospital with 4 AC operation Theaters. The built-up area on ground floor and first floor each 40,000 sq.ft. It is like Civil Hospital. The entire patient in city and nearby villages is making full use of medical facilities. The M.C. bearing losses is running this hospital.
Smt.Narayanrao Babaso Ghorpade Natyagrah
It is the unique theater in western Maharashtra. Such a well-equipped, 1200 capacity fully air conditioned theatre is no-where in Kolhapur and Sangli District. It is just like "Kalidas Theatre" in Nashik. The plans where prepared by kisloskar consultants, pune. The plot Area is about 19129.18 Sq.mt.
3. Stadium - Rajaram Stadium
It is having, three side najor roads. The stadium is having 70 nos. of shops on G.F. and on Fist floor Register office, Labor office, Maharahshtra Govt. The cricket ground having radius of 70 Mt's . The plans are prepared by Pratap Achalkar, well known Architect one time, Ranaji Player. Up till know twice Ranaji Trophy matches are held. Even Test matches also will be held on this gorund. The total plot area is about 25436 Sq.mt. that with the capacity of Auditorium is 20,000
4. Olympic Size Swimming pool.
The municipal council, to encourage to the rural swimmers has constructed a Olympic size swimming pool. Once the Inter state-level swimming compellation is held. In future are providing driving pool also. The quality of swimming pool water is crystal clean.
5. Slaughter House.
Under UIDSSMT Scheme the council has provided latest slaughterhouse with well equipped slaughtering machinery on B.O.T. slaughter is governed by Ichalkaranji Agro Foods. The total cost of Rs. 52,14,654/- The total machinery cost Rs. 75,00,000/-
Shahid Bhagatsing udhyan and Semi Olympic swimming pool and guest room
In TPS-II RSN 601/602/603 a spacious garden and swimming pool (semi Olympic) is designed by famous Architect from Mumbai ASK Architect Mr. Ambekar is well known architect form Mumbai City.He is landscape designer and eminent interior designer. He has used his intellectual while maintaining the existing contour shile designity the garden. Natural contours are used without disturbing existing shape. The garden is spread in 11.5 Acres. Shape of swimming pool is attractive. The work of garden development is started in 1982 and completed is
Under IDSMT plans the council has constructed wrestling ground about on 20000 Sq.ft. plot. The audience capacity of the ground is about 5000. Also there are 24 shops provided on ground. The space below balcony is used for this purpose.
Ravindranath Tagor Vachanalaya(Library)
The Students from various categories is availing the reference library, study room. The competitive exam books and literary books from well-known authors are available in the library. Total no. of books are 16000. Every year council is purchasing books of about Rs. 5 lacs. We are going to construct first floor and arranging lectures in future.
9. Yoga and Gymnasium Bhavan. -
The council has provided well-equipped Gymnasium hall and Yoga bhavan. The students enjoying facilities.
Textile & Engineering Institute

The Dattajirao Kadam Education society as its first step established the Textile and Engineering Institute in 1982. This institute was permitted by the State Government to start a Diploma course in textiles from the academic year 1982 to 83 without any grant-in aid from the Government. This was the first educational institute in the state to be started on grant basis and encouraged by the successful establishment of this, the Maharashatra State Government took a policy decision in 1983 to permit various social and industrial organizations of the state to start professional educational institutes, the decision which brought a revolution in the thinking and pattern of the education in the state. Presently the institute conducts four degree courses, two diploma courses and one postgraduate course in textiles as well as one degree course each in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology and Electronic Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering. The total student strength of the institute is around 1500 and has 100 teaching faculty members and 150 non-teaching staff. The management has provided excellent infrastructural facilities and a highly qualified staff. As a result of this, very high standard of education is maintained. Apart from regular teaching this institute is well known for its interaction with industry. In this field it is not only known in India but also has achieved recognition at International level with projects from Oman and Nigeria. The D.K.T.E. society has also extended facilities in other areas of education by starting Primary Schools, High schools, Physical Education College and institute of Vocational Education. Mr. K.B. Awade is the Chairman of this society, Mr. R.N. Kulkarni is the Vice-Chairman and Mr. R.V. Ketkar is the Hon. Secretary. |
The Textile & Engineering Institute enjoys a unique and prominent place amongst the institutions that are engaged in education, training, research and consultancy in various disciplines of Engineering in India . It has been catering to the needs of the industry for the past twenty five years. The link of the institute with the industry has been cultivated all these years & it has already carved a niche for itself amongst the reputed engineering institutes in the country, emphasizing value based technical education to the aspirants who wish to enter the area of corporate world & be on the helms in the twenty first century.
Genesis of the Institute
The genesis and growth of the institute was a sequel to the intense desire and support from the powerful co-operative sectors. Keeping in view the fabric of social responsibility, Mr. K. B. Awade, Former Member of Parliament & Educationist, Philanthropist and a staunch supporter of the co-operative movement, founded D.K.T.E. Society's Textile & Engineering Institute at Ichalkaranji in 1982. Ichalkaranji town, popularly known as 'Manchester of Maharashtra' is one of the prominent centers of decentralized textile sector of India. Located 29 miles from Kolhapur city, it is close to rail and bus terminals, banking facilities, restaurants and excellent shopping. The Institute has been housed on a spacious campus in the heart of Ichalkaranji city, with many buildings designed and equipped with ultra modern equipments. The main building is majestic Palace, which is a unique historical monument, best suited to secure requisite effects of simplicity and dignity.
The salient features of the institute
- Independent thinking & student centered learning.
- Graduates are self-confident & can work successfully both as individuals or as team members.
- Quality is largely controlled by a well-established system of highly experienced & dedicated teaching staff, eminent visiting faculty from industry and research establishments.
- Closely supervised study keeps failure and drop out rates low.
- The low student to faculty ratio allows for better interaction between students & teachers.
Other Facilities
- 24 hours high speed internet facility.
- 1 GB campus wide optical fiber network.
- College campus covered by WI-FI connectivity.
- Video Conferencing facility.
- Medical assistance
Monday, March 23, 2009
Ichalkaranji food
THE PATTERN OF FOOD broadly speaking is the same throughout the district, though there are minor variations in detail according to the dietary habits of particular sections of the community. The main dividing line is presented by the inclusion or non-inclusion of animal food in the diet. Brahmans, Jains and Lingayats among Hindus are enjoined as communities not to partake of any kind of animal food (though nowadays in actual practice some individuals may not be found to be very scrupulous about the observance of the injunction). Other Hindu communities are not forbidden to take animal food though the use of beef is strictly avoided. Most of them, however, do not take animal food every day but do so only occasionally.
The pastoral, artisan and agricultural classes in the district take three meals a day. Their every day fare consists of millet, rice, wheat on occasions, vegetables and fruits cut in pieces, split pulse, and alan or jhunka (gram flour boiled with cumin, coriander, chillies, salt, turmeric and onions) or chutney, a relish of chillies, salt, onions and garlic. Besides grain, pulse, fruits, spices, oils, curds and butter, they may sometimes eat eggs, meat and other flesh, but few can afford to do so oftener than on occasions of marriage and other family festivals and a few important holidays such as Dasara and Simga. They sometimes vow to offer an animal to a deity, and after offering its life to the deity, eat its flesh. They generally have a light breakfast (nyahri) at home of bhakri (bread of unleavened dough) with some vegetable relish or chutney, and about noon their wives take to the place of work their launch of bhakri and vegetables, and either fish, flesh, or split pulse. At present it is more or less customary with rural population to have a cup of tea before or after breakfast. A supper of bhakri or bhat (cooked rice), milk or some liquid preparation of pulse, is eaten at about eight in the evening.
The Kunbi's ordinary food is jvari bhakar, (bread), vegetables, salt and chillies. In the western hills nachnni is used instead of jvari. Rice is eaten very sparingly on account of its high price. Kunbis to the west of Kolhapur are found of ambil (gruel), a preparation of fermented nacani flour and buttermilk. The same articles are generally eaten at midday and evening meals. In the ghatmatha (pleateaus), people eat rice, and in the desh (plain) instead of rice they use jvari both in the form of bread and kanya that is partially ground cooked jvari. Along with this they eat curry made of vegetables, a little flour and pounded chillies and spices.
The staple food of well-to-do Kolhapur Marthas is poli or capati (wheat cakes), bhat (rice), varana (boiled split pulse), tup (ghee or clarified butter), bhaji (vegetables) and lonaci (pickles), muramba (jams, and condiments). Middle class families on ordinary days eat rice, millet bhakri (bread), sambhare (boiled liquid pulse seasoned with chillies, spices and salt), and pulse sauce. All eat flesh and fish. The well-to-do may eat mutton or fowl daily. Middle class families use them about once a week, while the poor use them only occasionally on Dasara and Simaga. At the houses of the well-to-do, the food is cooked and served generally by servants called sovalkaris (clean men), and in middle and poor families the women cook and serve the food. Before dining orthodox Marathas are careful to bathe and put on a fresh-washed cotton waist cloth. The elderly men of the house lay sandal, flowers and sweetmeats before the house-god, water the sweet basil, bow to the sun, and sip a little water in which basil leaf has been dipped. Men of the family sit in a line on pats (low stools [Some families from the upper class have now-a-days taken to dining on tables.]) each with a fresh-scoured tambya (metal water-pot) and a pela (cup) to his right, and a metal or a leaf plate before him with one or two vatis (cups), for sauce and clarified butter. At home a Maratha generally eats with his shirt off; in company and on festive occasions he may dine without taking off any article of dress.